Dr. Kittl & Partner
Dr. Kittl & Partner is a firm made up of tax consultants, auditors and legal advisors that has won multiple awards. In over 40 years, we have been able to build up a broad expertise across many sectors and combine this with in-depth knowledge of all forms of business enterprises. Tax consulting, auditing and legal teams work closely together under the same roof, thus making it possible to satisfy all our clients‘ needs from a single source. With three offices in Deggendorf, Passau and Regensburg we are well positioned in the eastern part of Bavaria. Of course we also offer our expertise and communication services in digital form, thereby creating a nearness to our clients while offering personal advice even over greater distances.
For further information
Karl Schröder
+49 991 37005-0
Elisabeth Bily-Waschinger
Tax Advisor, lecturer at Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences
Christian Pongratz
Tax Advisor, Specialist Advisor for Company Successions
Karl Schröder
Auditor, Tax Advisor
Bernd Koller
Tax Advisor, Specialist Advisor for International Tax Law, lecturer at Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences
Helena Firla
Tax Advisor
Ramona Löffler
Tax Advisor
Kathrin Winnerl
Tax Advisor
Pascal Wirth
Tax Advisor
Andreas Schwarzhuber
Auditor, Tax Advisor
Eileen Strohschen
Kristina Kuriata
Johannes Edtl
Lawyer, Specialist Lawyer for Tax Law, Health Care Consultant (DStV e.V.)
Dr. Christian Hagenbuchner
Our services
Tax Advice
Annual financial statements
The annual financial statements are like a business card for your company. We advise you on your balance sheet accounting and valuation options – while taking into account provisions in commercial and tax law and the size of your company – and explore all optimisation possibilities. Our aim and objective is to make the annual financial statements contribute to a professional and state-of-the-art image for your company.
Financial accounting
Financial accounting is like the computer centre of a company. Good financial accounting rests on an accurate and reliable mapping of all business transactions and values of a company. These are the foundations upon which we develop data-based analyses for corporate management, well-founded forecasts or recommendations on how to optimise processes and structures.
Payroll accounting
Correct payroll accounting is an important pillar for the stability of a company. Human resource costs account for the lion’s share of costs at almost every company. At the same time, the punctual and correct handling of wages and salaries is a key element of employee satisfaction. The topic of wages crops up in many places in a company and requires expertise and diligence everywhere.
Value added tax
Leverage the possibilities offered by digitalisation to bring about more security, stability and independence in your processes and to boost efficiency in order to remain competitive under new conditions and in the future. We help you optimise your company’s workflows in collaboration with our law firm.
Advice for health professions
Today – more than ever – a medical practice is always a business as well. Its success strongly depends on how an enterprise is managed from a business management perspective. Our specialists provide you close support in the establishment or takeover of a practice while assisting you in the design and management of a practice. This translates into more time and peace of mind for you to care for your patients.
Legal Advice
Mergers & Acquisitions
Support and advice in the context of corporate transactions, both on the seller and the acquirer side. Conducting legal due diligence and drafting purchase agreements (“share deal”; “asset deal”).
Inheritance law and succession planning
Advice on and drafting of marriage contracts and testamentary dispositions, e.g. wills. Transfer of companies within the family (succession planning) in the context of tax law and enforcement of and defense against claims under inheritance law.
Labor law
Drafting employment law contracts and enforcing rights arising from employment relationships. Ongoing employment law advice, especially for employers. Support with business transfers and social security law assessment of employment relationships, e.g. of freelancers.
Commercial and corporate law
Advice on the right choice of legal form and establishment of all forms of partnerships or corporations. Drafting articles of association and advising shareholders, managing directors and other corporate bodies on liability issues. Representation in and out of court in disputes. Advice and drafting on the law governing commercial agents and other forms of distribution.
Restructuring and transformation of companies. Designing holding structures to optimize your organization and make it future-proof.
Support with the implementation of a compliance management system in the company, e.g. in accordance with DIN 37301. Advice on compliance law issues in order to minimize legal risks and ensure compliance with regulations.
General civil law
Drafting and reviewing general terms and conditions as well as advising on and drafting various types of contracts, e.g. rental, loan, purchase and service agreements. Enforcement of legal claims in the corporate law context and litigation in civil law (litigation) as well as execution.
Increasing globalisation of all markets is intensifying competition and ratcheting up demands on companies. To manage a company, it is becoming increasingly important to know exactly where strengths and levers for further growth lie. Our auditing approach is individually tailored to your needs, rooted in extensive industry knowledge and consistently produces valuable advice for the further development of your company.
Corporate Governance Services
Effective and responsible corporate governance is becoming increasingly crucial for success. A strong governance strategy protects managing directors and board members from personal liability risks. The specialists at Dr. Kittl & Partner support your company on the path to modern corporate governance.
The law firm Dr. Kittl & Partner invested and built up expertise in these strategic issues at an early stage. Today, the firm can provide its clients with comprehensive advice in these fields and support them on the path to ESG-compliant further development of their companies.
IT Audit
IT systems are the basis for bookkeeping and accounting systems. As auditors, we offer you professional IT audits and comprehensive IT services to future-proof your company and optimize your digital processes.
Management consultancy
Mergers & Acquisitions
In times of change, mergers and acquisitions experience a real boom. Generally speaking, a decision to acquire or divest a company usually has enormous consequences and often involves a strategic change of course in the company’s development. We advise you on how to negotiate this terrain in every role you can take on as an entrepreneur in a merger or acquisition.
International tax law
This involves solutions for transnational situations. International tax law is very complex, especially across EU borders. To enable you as a businessperson to cope with these problems, we support you and advise you with our team of experts for different countries.
Succession advice
Our experts work with you and for you to elaborate individual succession advice to secure your private and entrepreneurial life’s work. In Germany alone, 150,000 company CEOs will be looking for a successor by 2022 – and this number is trending sharply upwards. Our law firm built up an expertise in this field at an early stage, including for many internationally operating entrepreneurs.
When restructuring your company, we can help you to reduce costs, save taxes, optimize and simplify the corporate structure, delimit risks and realign the company according to your ideas. Whether it’s a change of legal form, merger, demerger or implementation of a holding company – we advise you from the initial idea through to implementation.
Betriebswirtschaftliche Prüfungen
– wie Abschluss- oder Gründungsprüfung
Unsere mehrfach ausgezeichnete Wirtschaftsprüfung durchleuchtet Ihr Unternehmen gründlich, um es gesund und dynamisch zu halten. Mit zunehmender Globalisierung steigen der Wettbewerbsdruck und die Anforderungen an Unternehmen. Unser individueller Prüfungsansatz liefert frühzeitig wertvolle Hinweise zur Weiterentwicklung und Identifizierung von Wachstumspotenzialen.
Corporate Governance Services
– Compliance- und Risikomanagement sowie internes Kontrollsystem
Effektive und verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung wird zunehmend entscheidend für den Erfolg. Eine starke Governance-Strategie schützt Geschäftsführer und Vorstände vor persönlichen Haftungsrisiken. Die Spezialisten von Dr. Kittl & Partner unterstützen Ihr Unternehmen auf dem Weg zu einer zeitgemäßen Corporate Governance.
– ESG Services
Die Kanzlei Dr. Kittl & Partner hat zu diesen strategischen Themen frühzeitig investiert und Kompetenz aufgebaut. Heute kann die Kanzlei ihre Mandanten auf diesen Felder umfassend beraten und unterstützen auf dem Weg zu einer ESG-konformen Weiterentwicklung ihrer Unternehmen. Mehr dazu finden Sie hier:
– Sicherheit in digitalen Zeiten
IT-Systeme sind die Grundlage für Buchhaltungs- und Rechnungslegungssysteme. Wir bieten Ihnen als Wirtschaftsprüfer professionelle IT-Prüfungen und umfassende IT-Dienstleistungen, um Ihr Unternehmen zukunftssicher aufzustellen und Ihre digitalen Prozesse optimal zu gestalten.